To make the payment in pesos: You must make a bank deposit or transfer to ACTIVZ's Banorte Bank account. If you do not have the account
number, you can request it by the email - In the
Concept write ESCAPE MOMENTUM and your I.D. Number
Once you have made the deposit, send us the payment receipt to the same email with the following information in the
subject line: Full name/ID number/Payment for
(x) additional. Please indicate the amount of additional where the x is.
To make the payment in dollars: Please contact
Gaby Fernandez at (801) 259-7102 to process the credit card payment. Do not forget to
keep in mind the deadline date.
REMEMBER: You must have filled out the form we sent you by mail to have a record of your additional guests. If you do not fill out the form, we will NOT include them.